Wow, it's been a long time! I'm returning to the Blogosphere to let you all know about the fabulous projects we have for this year's Super Saturday!
First, the details! Super Saturday will be held on October 23, 2010 begining at 10:00 at the Foxtrail Building. (Is that what our building is called?) We plan on going until 3:00, with classes, demos, and workstations set up for the entire time! We will be having a yummy lunch of soup, rolls and salads from noon to 1:00, so if you can only manage to sneak away for a little on Saturday, come for lunch!
We are excited to have invited Traverse Mountain 3rd Ward to join us! We can't wait to get to know you ladies better!
Now, the important stuff--the projects! This will be long, but totally worth the time to read. Thanks for staying with me. . .
All of these projects were planned with economical gift giving in mind. Of course many of them are going to be hard to part with! Mostly we hope that you will learn new skills that will allow you make things beautiful gifts, will help beautify your life and spark your creativity!
We have planned the day so that you can make as many of these projects as you would like. Our schedule is very loose, which gives you the ability to attend a demonstration and then work on projects at your own pace. Fee free to sign up for mulitples of certain projects that interest you, but please keep in mind that the ladies preparing the projects are busy moms or working women or both, and don't go too crazy! Don't worry, there will be a list of sources for you to get your own materials on your own. . .and we're a helpful bunch! I don't think any of us would mind helping you out outside of the Super Saturday activity!

We all know and love these blocks! They are great to display on top of fireplace mantels, entertainment centers or anywhere that you have a flat surface to put something on. (The paper on this project will vary)

This wreath is made entirely out of paper and could be adapted to any holiday or season! You will definitely be able to make more of these at home with no special equipment! (The paper and ribbon on this project will vary)

Do you love to give neighbor gifts, but don't have a lot of money to spend? This is the perfect class for you! Come and watch a baking demo as well as view our display table that will be full of cute ideas for packaging your baked goodies! Later, you'll get to sample everything we've made. . .these goodies are going to be our dessert for the day! (PS Kim Kosorok is going to be doing some of the baking-you know you're not going to want to miss that!)
SOLDERED GLASS PENDANTS $8 w/o CHAIN, $11 with chain

We know you're excited about this one! We all love these pendants, but most of us probably would love to know how to get one without having to spend $30 per piece! You will learn how these are made, and can even learn how to do the soldering yourself. Of course, this will require some special equipment of your own if you want to make more, but for the price of about two full price pendants, you can have everything you need to make as many as you'd like! When you sign up for this please don't forget to let us know what initial you'd like for your pendant. (Oh and PS--we could use some extra soldering irons for this activity. If you have one that you'd be willing to lend, we would really appreciate it. Even better, if you already know how to solder and would be willing to help out for a while, please let us know! Thanks!)

Isn't this so cute? I know you can think of a few people who would like one of these--even if only the little people you tuck into bed every night!
(Papers will vary for this project)

These felted soaps are really cool! Learn how to felt with raw wool and make a regular bar of soap into an exfoliating bar that will leave your skin bright and soft. Everyone you know is going to want these!

Come and learn how to make these gorgeous fabric flowers! Once you know how to make these you can make bows, pins and jewelry for you (or you daughters. . .or your friends. . .or your sister. . . .you get the point!) for mere pennies!
Oh, and don't forget to bring something warm enough to wear to work outside! We have to use candles for the

Don't you think that this would make a great grandparent gift? You could put family photos in the 4 photo slots, or anything else that you want. The teacher for this class will contact you for paper color and quote choices to make this a completely custom project that anyone would be thrilled to display on their mantel!

This is a great way to organize your earrings, necklaces and bracelets on your bathroom or closet walls. This project will include a demo on how to drill holes in the frame and attaching the metal screening, and then you will go off on your own to finish.
LAMPSHADE CHANDELIER $8 ($4 if you have your own lampshade)

These are adorable, aren't they?!? For these you will have to bring your own fabric. We have lots of stuff for girlier chandeliers, but will have Cricuts there so you can make embellishments for boy ones, or holiday ones, or any other theme that you'd like. (For another idea, here is a
link to a Halloween one that I saw on the Internet yesterday.) This project truly lets you be as creative as you want to be! (You will have to provide your own fabric for this project, and we strongly encourage you to bring your own lampshade. We're scouring the thrift stores for lampshades with interesting shapes, but we can't possibly find enough to meet everyone's need! Sorry!)
SORRY, NO PHOTO AVAILABLE FOR THIS ONE, YET! (We're working on it!) This is a cute and easy way to adorn an often overlooked area in your house! These would be especially cute in your kitchen. The covers will be made with wooden stars that you will be able to paint to match your decor.

This project is a pretty involved one. We may or may not do it at Super Saturday--it takes about 2 hours for an experienced seamstress. We will have the pattern available for anyone who wants to take it home and make it on your own. Sewing help will be available anytime!
You made it to the end! Congratulations! I hope you're excited to learn some new skills and make some really great stuff! Now, what do we need from you? It's simple, really!
1. Print the signup sheet that is attached to the email informing you of this blog post. (Forms will also be available at church in the Relief Society binders and on the display table in the hall.)
2. Decide what you want to do at Super Saturday and fill out the form.
3. Bring the form and your check made out to Traverse Mountain 2nd Ward, to church on Sunday.
4. Fill out a donation slip, indicating in the "Other" box that the money is for Super Saturday.
5. Give the completed form and donation envelope to a member of the Relief Society presidency.
Don't procrastinate, please! We need to have a good count of who's coming so we can get to work preparing! The absolute last day to sign up will be October 17th.
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